Background: Previous work has suggested that acute depletion of the serotonin (5-HT) precursor tryptophan (TRP) causes transient compensatory changes in the 5-HT system that might be exploited for their antidepressant effects. In this study, neuroendocrine and mood responses to intravenous (i.v.) infusion of TRP were examined in order to evaluate central 5-HT function in depressed patients undergoing acute TRP depletion.
Methods: Thirty-eight drug-free patients with DSM-III-R major depression participated. Each patient underwent two randomized, double-blind TRP depletion tests, one sham and one active. At the estimated time of maximum TRP depletion, each patient received an i.v. infusion of TRP 100 mg/kg. Blood was obtained for serum cortisol, prolactin, and growth hormone. Mood was assessed using standardized rating scales.
Results: The cortisol response to i.v. TRP was significantly greater during TRP depletion than during sham depletion. Depressive symptoms showed a tendency to decrease after i.v. TRP following active, but not sham, TRP depletion.
Conclusions: These findings are consistent with the present hypothesis and previous evidence that acute TRP depletion in drug-free depressed patients induces compensatory upregulation of postsynaptic 5-HT receptors. These changes are insufficient to serve as a means of effecting clinical improvement, but suggest that the antidepressant properties of rapid, marked manipulations of 5-HT function warrant further study.