To evaluate four methods to study cellular proliferation (mitotic count, mitotic index, PCNA and MIB1) in a series of breast ductal invasive cancer NOS, and the possible correlations between these different methods and other pathological variables, we studied 110 ductal invasive carcinomas NOS specimens. Mitoses per 1000 tumor cells and per 10 HPF, and immunostaining for PCNA and MIB1 were evaluated. Other accepted prognostic factors such as tumor size, histologic grade, estrogen and progesterone receptors measured by immunostaining and axillary status were obtained. Correlation between the four methods to evaluate cellular proliferation and these other variables was performed. Mitotic count, mitotic index, PCNA and MIB1 showed a good rate of correlation (r = 0.71-0.53, p < 0.05), with the exception of MIB1-mitotic index which was weak (r = 0.38, p < 0.05). A strong association between cellular proliferation, with independence of the method applied, and histologic grade, ER and PR was obtained. No association was observed with tumor size and lymph node involvement. In conclusion, there was a strong correlation between the four methods to evaluate cellular proliferation. Mitotic count (per 10 HPF) and MIB1 show a better correlation with other morphological variables. None of the evaluated methods are associated with the tumor size and axillary status, suggesting that mitotic count is the most accurate method to analyse cellular proliferation in routine practice.