An International Molecular Epidemiology Task Force group (IMETAF) was established in 1993, where the Mexican group include as their objectives: the evaluation of the main public health problems that could be improvement through molecular epidemiology; the analysis of the interaction between molecular biology and epidemiology; development of international nets of collaboration and the establishment of surveys toward the prevention and control of some diseases. As part of a general strategy the Mexican scientific committee developed the first national infrastructure survey of the centers of biotechnology and molecular epidemiology. This survey obtained data trough a questionnaire of the general characteristics the development of the molecular epidemiology, the main tools of surveys, equipment, material and reagents, the personnel trained in biotechnology, epidemiology and public health, the needs of training, the national and international nets, how to develop molecular epidemiology and areas to be considered. The results give a general idea of the possibilities to develop the field in Mexico. More than 50% are currently working in this theme. The majority in infectious diseases. The centers have the equipment, material reagents and human resources well trained to incorporate the molecular epidemiology in their usual work. They reported the need of technology transfer to develop collaborations and courses, symposia or congresses. We conclude that Mexico has the capability and the infrastructure to develop molecular epidemiology. A survey is needed on animals.