History and clinical findings: One week after returning from a two-week holiday in Sri Lanka a 35-year-old man started to have recurrent bouts of fever, up to 39.2 degrees C, as well as pain over the left upper abdomen, the back of the right thorax and bilateral pain on pressure with swelling of both breasts. He went to the Tropical Institute in Munich to have malaria excluded. There signs of cholestasis were noted and sonography revealed multiple round foci in the liver. As he had lost 10 kg in 3 weeks he was admitted to a medical unit for further tests. Physical examination now showed bilateral gynaecomastia and marked pressure resistance in the upper abdomen. Proprioceptor reflexes were greatly increased but equal bilaterally.
Investigations: Inflammatory parameters were raised (C-reactive protein 22.6 mg/dl, ferritin level 2674 micrograms/l, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 50/82 mm), there also were a leucocytosis (20,600 WBC/mm3) and a raised lactate dehydrogenase level of 613 U/l. In addition, thyroid stimulating hormone was reduced to < 0.03 microU/ml, while free thyroxine was raised to 2.7 ng/dl. The pregnancy test was positive. On quantitative analysis the human beta-chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level was markedly raised to 193,200 mIU/ml. Abdominal and thoracic computed tomography revealed multiple round metastasis-like masses in the liver and in the lung, and a thickened cardia. Serology for malaria, amoebiasis and echinococciasis was negative, sonography of the testes and thyroid was unremarkable. Endoscopy revealed a polypoid tumour at the gastro-oesophageal junction which histologically was an undifferentiated hCG-positive choriocarcinoma.
Treatment and course: The neoplasm at first responded with partial remission (hCG minimally 39 mIU/ml) to chemotherapy (PEI schema: cisplatin, etoposide, ifosfamide) but then progressed, also under treatment of recurrences with paclitaxel, ifosfamide and cisplatin. The patient has since received high-dosage chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation.