Background: Since the first published description in 1959, hair transplantation has progressed tremendously.
Objective: This article provides an overview of hair transplantation and a discussion of selected controversies in hair transplantation.
Methods: A review of the literature was undertaken to identify current controversies.
Results: Hair transplantation has been refined considerably since it was first performed. As new methods are described, controversies arise. In hair transplantation, these include use of various forms of anaesthesia, the planning of the recipient site, method of harvesting the donor area, megatransplant sessions, isolated frontal forelock transplantation, and use of lasers in hair transplantation.
Conclusion: Hair transplantation is a time-tested, highly effective, permanent and natural method of improving male-pattern baldness and female alopecia. Improvements in technique continue to be developed, requiring one to keep abreast of changes in the field in order to provide patients with the best hair coverage possible while maintaining a natural appearance.