A 76-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a diffuse reticulo-nodular shadow on chest X-ray. He had no symptoms. Transbronchial lung biopsy specimens revealed alveolitis and small numbers of lymphocytes. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) analysis revealed an increased number of eosinophils. Few eosinophils were seen in the alveolar lumen on biopsy. The patient had no symptoms, and was discharged without therapy. He was followed as an outpatient. Dyspnea on effort gradually developed June 1995. The diffuse infiltrative shadows on chest CT worsened and the patient was again admitted. Laboratory data revealed an elevation of serum LDH. Tumor markers were negative. Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP) was diagnosed on open lung biopsy. Corticosteroid therapy (1 mg/kg/day) was administered. After treatment with corticosteroid, chest CT findings and pulmonary function tests improved remarkably. DIP is less common in Japan than elsewhere. The characteristic findings of BALF taken from patients with DIP are still inperfectly characterized. Our patient exhibited an increased number of eosinophils. To the best of our knowledge, BALF findings were reported for six cases of DIP in Japan. In five out of the seven cases (including our case), BALF findings demonstrated an increased number of eosinophils. This finding may be one of the characteristic features in patients with DIP.