Minimum onset latency (Lmin) of single- and multiple-unit responses were mapped in the primary auditory cortex (AI) of barbiturate-anesthetized cats. Contralateral Lmin for multiple units was non-homogeneously distributed along the dorso-ventral/isofrequency axis of the AI. Responses with shorter latencies were more often located in the central, more sharply tuned region while longer latencies were more frequently encountered in the dorsal and ventral portions of the AI. For single units, a large scatter of Lmin values was found throughout the extent of the AI including cortical depth. The relationship between Lmin and previously reported spectral, intensity and temporal parameters was analyzed and revealed statistically significant correlations between minimum onset latency and the following response properties in some but not all studied animals: sharpness of tuning of a frequency response area 10 dB above threshold, broadband transient response, strongest response level, monotonicity of rate/level functions, dynamic range, and preferred frequency modulation sweep direction. This analysis suggests that Lmin is determined by several independent factors and that the prediction of Lmin based on relationships with other spectral and temporal response properties is inherently weak. The spatial distribution and the functional relationship between these response parameters may provide an important aspect of the time-based cortical representation of specific features in the animal's natural environment.