In 227 of 495 (45.9%) Japanese adult patients with acute myelocytic leukemia (AML), leukemic cells expressed CD4. Incidence of CD4 expression in each FAB subtype was as follows: M1 37.4%, M2 33.7%, M3 35.4%, M4 65.0%, and M5 78.3%. The typical expression pattern of myelomonocytic differentiation antigens and cytokine receptors in CD4+ AML was CD34lowCD33high CD11bhighGM-CSFRhigh. AML cases with 11q23 abnormalities and with inv(16) were frequently CD4-positive. These data collectively indicate that CD4 expression in AML cells is associated with monocytic characteristics. However, CD4+CD34high AML cases appear to have unique immature characteristics including low expression of myelomonocytic differentiation antigens (ie CD33 and CD11b), and accumulation of chromosome abnormalities (ie t(8;21) in CD4lowCD34high AML and chromosome 7 abnormalities in CD4highCD34high AML). We speculate that these leukemia subsets originate from CD4+ hematopoietic precursor cells, therefore then should be considered separately from most of the CD4+ AML as represented by CD34lowCD33high CD11bhighGM-CSFRhigh. Overall survival of patients with CD4+ AML in our series was worse than that of those with CD4 AML (P = 0.0202).