To assess regional differences in the etiology of liver cirrhosis in Iwate, we analyzed 324 patients with liver cirrhosis treated at various hospitals. The etiology was HCV 44.8%, HBV 11.1%, HBV + HCV 4.6%, alcohol 27.5% (including heavy drinkers 17.9%), PBC 1.5% and non-B non-C 10.5% in Iwate. The incidence of alcoholic cirrhosis was higher than that in other prefectures, while that of HCV was lower. Especially in the northern area of Iwate, the rate of alcoholic cirrhosis was very high (39.1%--including heavy drinkers 21.8%) while viral cirrhosis was relatively low. Although the alcohol consumption volume in Iwate was not very high, marked alcohol consumption, especially shochu, was observed in the northern area of Iwate. The volume and kind of alcohol consumed in each area differed, and the etiology of liver cirrhosis differed regionally in Iwate. Thus, we should consider these districts and levels of alcohol consumption when treating patients with liver cirrhosis.