We previously found retrotransposition of the intracisternal A-particle (IAP) element in the genome of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells induced by X-irradiation of C3H/He mice (FEBS 16333). To analyze the occurrence of the IAP-mediated retrotransposition in AML cells, we compared integration sites of the IAP element by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the genomes of five AML strains derived from different C3H mice. Unique PCR products were found in all of the above independent leukemia cells, whereas no such products were detected in normal cells. Results of cloning, sequencing and Southern analyses showed that the PCR products were derived from novel integration sites of the IAP element in the genome. The data suggest that IAP-mediated retrotransposition occurs frequently in radiation-induced AML cells from C3H/He mice.