Objective: To study the immune response and clinical findings in mice immunized with different epitope-specific anti-U1RNP antibodies purified from the sera of mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) patients with various clinical manifestations.
Methods: BALB/c mice were immunized with anti-U1RNP-IgG preparations from 3 patients with MCTD. Group 1 was immunized with U1 70 kD A-positive IgG, group 2 with U1 70 kD-negative, U1A, U1C, B-B'-positive IgG and group 3 with U1 70 kD, U1A, U1C-positive IgG. The induced autoantibody response in the mice was studied by ELISA and immunoblots and the clinical findings of MCTD in humans were assessed.
Results: Immunoblot assays showed that mice immunized with different human anti-U1RNP antibodies developed predominantly autoantibodies directed against U1 68-70 kD epitope. This 'autoantibody dominance' pattern was not associated with clinical findings.
Conclusions: The restricted murine autoimmune response may provide clues to the diversified autoantibody production in autoimmune diseases and explain in part the changing patterns of clinical findings in individuals with MCTD.