Purpose: To analyse characteristics of benign and malignant liver tumours in dynamic and static MR imaging with the superparamagnetic MR contrast medium Resovist.
Material and methods: All 30 patients were examined on a 1.5 Tesla MR unit (Magnetom 63 SP, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) using proton density (PD) weighted (w), T2-weighted-spin-echo, a T1-weighted SE, and a T1-weighted FLASH-2 D gradient echo (GRE) sequence before, during and after the application of Resovist. Dynamic imaging was performed using a T2-weighted GRE-sequence (TurboFLASH; TR/TE = 11/30; flip angle = 10 degrees; Tl = 600 ms). Histopathology revealed benign liver lesions in 8 patients and malignant lesions in 22 patients.
Results: Dynamic T2-weighted sequence revealed an early loss of signal intensity in normal liver parenchyma (percentage signal intensity loss (PSIL) = 40.0 +/- 12.2% by 4 mumol Fe/kg, 47.2 +/- 18.8% by 8 mumol Fe/kg and 62.7 +/- 13.0% by 16 mumol Fe/kg), in the spleen, as well as in FNH (PSIL = 49.5 +/- 7.3% by 8 mumol Fe/kg), and regenerating nodules in the first minute after application of Resovist. In two of 4 cases with HCC a short drop in signal intensity was immediately observed after the application, whereas signal intensity remained unchanged in all other malignant liver tumours. Enhanced PDw and T2-weighted SE-sequences revealed an improved detection and delineation of malignant liver lesions versus plain MR imaging. 17 liver lesions of a size lower 10 mm were additionally detected in postcontrast T2-weighted SE-sequences in 4 patients.
Conclusion: Dynamic and static versus plain MR imaging of primary and secondary liver lesions is markedly improved by the superparamagnetic contrast material Resovist, especially in case of intravenous bolus application of this liver-specific contrast medium.