Purpose: The objective of the current study is to investigate the relationship between bcl-2 and p53 expression and prognosis in prostatic carcinoma.
Materials and methods: One hundred and forty-six needle core biopsy specimens obtained before any treatment were used for immunohistochemical detection of bcl-2 and p53 positivity. The relationship between these proteins was assessed by serial sections. Associations with Gleason score, clinical stage and patient survival were studied. Additionally, multivariate analysis by Cox proportional hazard model was used to determine the prognostic significance of these proteins.
Results: Bcl-2 positivity was found in 20% and p53 in 27% of 146 prostatic carcinomas. Both bcl-2 and p53 positivity were found only in 5%. They were expressed almost reciprocally in the tumors. P53 positivity correlated with high Gleason grade tumors. Bcl-2 positivity correlated with high T stage. Both bcl-2 and p53 positivity correlated with poor survival and short progression-free period. Multivariate analysis revealed that bcl-2 positivity was an independent prognostic indicator (p = 0.001).
Conclusions: Bcl-2 and p53 were almost independently expressed in prostatic cancer. Both correlated with malignant phenotypes of prostatic cancer. The combined data from this staining further improved the ability to predict the patient prognosis.