A 28-year-old female underwent sigmoidectomy for sigmoid colon cancer with peritoneal seeding. One month later, a solitary metastasis was found in S3 of the liver. After CDDP/5-FU intravenous chemotherapy, another metastasis appeared in S7. Intravenous administration showed PD. But the metastatic tumors shrank and became inobservable by CT after the 1st round of CDDP/5-FU intraperitoneal chemotherapy, and S7 tumor could not be identified after the 2nd round. Many previous reports demonstrated the concentration of cytotoxic drug in intraperitoneal administration was much higher than in intravenous administration. Theoretically, intraperitoneal chemotherapy is superior to intravenous chemotherapy for the prevention and treatment of liver metastases. This case demonstrated this hypothesis was right. We think adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy should be re-considered for the prevention of the liver metastases of gastrointestinal cancers.