Cerebral capillary sequestration and blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability to apolipoproteins E2 (apoE2), E3 (apoE3), and E4 (apoE4) and to their complexes with sA beta(1-40), a peptide homologous to the major form of soluble Alzheimer's amyloid beta, were studied in perfused guinea pig brain. Cerebrovascular uptake of three apoE isoforms was low, their blood-to-brain transport undetectable, but uptake by the choroid plexus significant. Binding of all three isoforms to sA beta(1-40) in vitro was similar with a K(D) between 11.8 and 12.9 nM. Transport into brain parenchyma and sequestration by BBB and choroid plexus were negligible for sA beta(1-40)-apoE2 and sA beta(1-40)-apoE3, but significant for sA beta(1-40)-apoE4. After 10 min, 85% of sA beta(1-40)-apoE4 taken up at the BBB remained as intact complex, whereas free sA beta(1-40) was 51% degraded. Circulating apoE isoforms have contrasting effects on cerebral capillary uptake of and BBB permeability of sA beta. ApoE2 and apoE3 completely prevent cerebral capillary sequestration and blood-to-brain transport of sA beta(1-40). Conversely, apoE4, by entering brain microvessels and parenchyma as a stable complex with sA beta, reduces peptide degradation and may predispose to cerebrovascular and possibly enhance parenchymal amyloid formation under pathological conditions.