Background: The consensus statement on the treatment of depression (Paykel & Priest, 1992) advocates the use of cognitive therapy techniques as an adjunct to medication.
Method: This paper describes a randomised controlled trial of brief cognitive therapy (BCT) plus 'treatment as usual' versus treatment as usual in the management of 48 patients with major depressive disorder presenting in primary care.
Results: At the end of the acute phase, significantly more subjects (P < 0.05) met recovery criteria in the intervention group (n = 15) compared with the control group (n = 8). When initial neuroticism scores were controlled for, reductions in Beck Depression Inventory and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression scores favoured the BCT group throughout the 12 months of follow-up.
Conclusions: BCT may be beneficial, but given the time constraints, therapists need to be more rather than less skilled in cognitive therapy. This, plus methodological limitations, leads us to advise caution before applying this approach more widely in primary care.