Hydatidosis situation in the General Acha area (La Pampa Province) is described herein. The work comprises a retrospective compilacion of new hydatidosis human cases, the findings in seroepidemiological surveys with enzyme immuno assay (EIA) for hydatidosis in human population, and investigation on dog Echinococcus granulosus infection prevalence carried out on the basis of arecoline bromhydrate application. Sixteen human cases were detected during 1994 (incidence rate: 26.7/100,000), founding a serological prevalence of 1.3%. Studies on dog echinococosis have shown a prevalence rate of 2.3%. The epidemiological situation of hydatidosis is analyzed by comparison with values from other endemic areas. These results suggest the necessity of completing surveys in the whole provincial territory, and the implementation of educational and sanitary measures aimed to controlling this zoonosis.