We have previously shown that IgG2a(b) Ig does not induce tolerance in MHC class II restricted CD4 T cells in a TCR transgenic model and that anti-IgG2a(b) transgenic T cells specific for peptide 435-451 are indeed present in the periphery where they interact with gamma2a(b)-positive B cells. We also observed that because T cell tolerance depends on the presentation of self peptides, it was probable that IgG2a(b) was not easily processed and presented in vivo. In this study, we have investigated the presentation of naturally processed gamma2a(b) (435-451) determinants to specific T cells. Dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells were purified from the spleens of Igh-1b mice. These cells were then functionally tested for the presence of specific peptide-MHC complexes. The results showed that, in vivo, gamma2a(b)-producing B cells, but not dendritic cells, are the only APCs able to present this self peptide. This indicates that recognition of the IgG2a(b)-self peptide is exclusively mediated by T-B cell interaction.