In the field of epilepsy, the analysis of stereoelectroencephalographic (SEEG) signals recorded with depth electrodes provides major information on interactions between brain structures during seizures. A methodology of comparing SEEG seizure recordings is applied in 4 patients suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy. It proceeds in 3 steps: (i) segmentation of SEEG signals, (ii) characterization and labeling of segments and (iii) comparison of observations coded as sequences of symbol vectors. The third step is based on a vectorial extension of Wagner and Fischer's algorithm to first, quantify similarities between observations and second, extract invariant information, referred to as spatio-temporal signatures. These are automatically extracted by the algorithm without the need to make a priori assumptions on the 'patterns' to be searched for. Theoretical results show that two observations of non-equal duration can be matched by deforming the first one (using insertion/deletion operations on vectors) to optimally fit the second, under a minimal cost constraint. Clinical results show that the study brings objective results on reproducible mechanisms occurring during seizures: for a given patient, quantified descriptions of seizure periods are compared and similar ictal patterns, or signatures, are extracted from SEEG signals. Some of these signatures (particularly those containing spikes, spike-and-waves, slow waves and rapid discharges) are relevant: they seem to reflect reproducible propagation schemes whose analysis may help in the understanding of epileptogenic networks.