The objective of the present study was to examine if environmental exposure to cadmium (Cd) had any impact on the integrity of the liver among the general Japanese population. A nationwide survey was conducted in the winter seasons of 1991-1995 in 15 prefectures in Japan to collect 24-h food duplicates, peripheral blood samples, and morning spot urine samples from healthy nonsmoking adult women. The samples were analyzed for Cd by automated graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. In total, 371 women offered food duplicate, blood, and urine samples. The dietary Cd intake was 17.3-79.4 micrograms/day, the level of Cd in blood was 1.58-3.82 ng/ml, and the urinary Cd concentration was 1.06-4.74 micrograms/g creatinine as geometric means calculated on a regional group basis. Analyses for correlation with liver function showed no Cd-exposure-related elevation in enzyme levels or reduction in albumin levels' in serum. The distribution of cases with enzyme levels above normal ranges (below normal in the case of albumin) did not show any dose-related bias. The age of the subject, not the exposure to Cd, was the most influential factor in determining serum enzyme levels. Environmental exposure to Cd has not affected the integrity of the liver among the general population in Japan.