Background: Between January 1990 and May 1995 one faculty in Israel taught Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) courses to 3,700 physicians. Two types of courses were given to three subpopulations. We studied the influence of demographic variables on students' achievements in the course and compared students' achievements as a function of their course type.
Study design: This study was conducted as a concurrent longitudinal study.
Results: Achievements of 3,700 students were analyzed. The precourse grade, type of course, and their interaction were found to have a significant effect on the postcourse grades. Physicians practicing surgical subspecialties, in general, did better, as did students educated in English-speaking countries. Students who took part in the Combat Trauma Life Support (CTLS) course, which included the entire ATLS course and additional lectures and exercises, also ended with better scores.
Conclusions: Physician's country of origin and clinical subspecialty have a significant effect on the cognitive achievement in the ATLS course provided in Israel. An expanded ATLS course (CTLS), to include additional military trauma topics as well as additional skill station training, can improve the results of the postcourse grades.