We have developed a data management system, 'HOSEpipe' (High Output STS Evaluation pipeline) to aid sample tracking and data analysis in STS content mapping projects. The system is based around a World Wide Web (WWW) server that provides a number of pages including forms for sample processing and data entry accessible via a standard WWW browser application. The system is split into two main modules: firstly, a sequence evaluation and annotation module that takes de novo sequence for a potential STS, screens it against existing STSs and DNA sequence databases, followed by appropriate primer sequence design; secondly, a module that handles YAC library STS screening and includes facilities for both sample tracking and experimental data analysis. We present the design and rationale of the HOSEpipe system and its development to support a whole chromosomal physical mapping project. This software and design approach is potentially applicable to physical mapping projects of varying sizes and resolution and to similar projects, such as sample sequencing and the construction of sequence-ready maps.