In recent years, axillofemoral and femorofemoral bypass grafting have emerged as alternate methods of managing severely ill patients with aortoiliac occlusive disease. Additionally, axillofemoral grafting is indicated when intra-abdominal graft infection necessitates closure of the aorta. Femorofemoral bypass grafting has been advocated in similar high-risk patients who have unilateral occlusive disease. The inherent safety of both of these procedures and their success in relieving occlusive symptoms have been reported by several centers. Our success with axillofemoral grafting has led to the continued use of this procedure in appropriate clinical situations. The success and safety of femorofemoral bypass grafting has led us to advocate its use in most patients with unilateral occlusive disease, and we often find it the procedure of choice for treating symptoms related to occlusion of one limb of an aortic bifurcation graft.