Objectives: To describe the hospital-based information system developed by the GESCA (Clinical epidemiology group on AIDS in Aquitaine) and evaluate the main results obtained over the last 10 years, specifically data related to epidemiological monitoring, medico-economic analysis and clinical research in HIV infection.
Methods: Inclusion criteria were HIV-1 seropositivity confirmed by Western blot, age over 13 years, consultation or hospitalization is one of the 18 participating units. Follow-up data were collected at each hospital visit.
Results: On December 31, 1995, 4268 subjects had been registered in the GECSA system, including 25.7% women. Contamination categories were homosexuals 33.4%, intravenous drug abusers 32.8%, heterosexuals 13.9%. A clear drop in the number of new cases in intravenous drug abusers and an increase in the number with heterosexual transmission was observed after 1988. The medico-economic analysis showed that patients followed in the system were in a more advanced stage at registry since 1992. More than half of the subjects are now taking antiretroviral therapy and prophylaxis for opportunistic infections. Clinically, after adjusting data for the major known prognosis factors, the risk of progression to AIDS is higher in homosexuals and intravenous drug abusers than in heterosexuals. Transmission route does not however have any significant effect on survival after development of AIDS. There is no significant difference in outcome of HIV infection between men and women and pregnancy is not associated with poorer outcome.
Conclusion: This regional registry provides valuable data for epidemiological monitoring, medico-economic analysis, hospital management and clinical research.