A gel filtration method was developed to estimate the number of conformational epitopes on the 60-kD Ro antigen. Anti-Ro Fab or Fab' was incubated with native Ro antigen at different ratios and the Stokes radius molecular weight of complexes was estimated by gel filtration. Binding was saturated at 9 to 11 Fab molecules per bovine Ro molecule. Two additional Fab or Fab' were bound if human Ro was used as the antigen. Isolated Ro antigen/anti-Ro Fab complexes were evaluated for the relative proportion of antigen to antibody at saturation of antigen with antibody and thus stoichiometry was determined. This provided data supporting there being between 7 and 11 binding sites, results similar to those with the gel filtration method. Experiments carried out with anti-Ro monoclonal antibodies showed one binding site per molecule of 60-kD Ro. Therefore, we have developed methods to count conformational epitopes on autoantigens and have applied it to the Ro/anti-Ro system. The data indicate that multiple conformational epitopes can be bound simultaneously by polyclonal anti-Ro sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.