Background: The clinical course of adult granulosa cell tumor of the ovary is characterized by indolent growth tending toward late recurrence. A variety of clinical and pathologic parameters have previously been evaluated for prognostication with inconclusive results.
Methods: The clinical records and tumor sections of 70 patients with adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary were reviewed. Patients with recurrent tumors (REC) (n = 19) were compared with patients who remained without disease (NED) (n = 51).
Results: Significant differences in stage and tumor size were noted between the two groups; however, after logistic regression analysis, only stage remained statistically significant. Pathologic evaluation revealed that Call-Exner bodies occurred more frequently in tumors of the NED patients. Cellular atypia and high mitotic rates were more frequent in the REC group; however, after logistic regression analysis, only atypia remained statistically significant. When early (< 10 years) and late recurring tumors (> 10 years) were compared, statistically significant differences were again noted: early recurring tumors had fewer Call-Exner bodies, higher mitotic rates, and higher degrees of atypia; late recurring tumors were similar to tumors in the NED patients.
Conclusions: Tumor stage and, to a lesser extent, tumor size are the only clinical parameters of prognostic importance in adult granulosa cell tumors. Cellular atypia and, to lesser extents, mitotic rate and the absence of Call-Exner bodies are the only significant pathologic prognosticators. It is difficult to predict early recurrences and impossible to predict late recurrences using these clinical and pathologic parameters.