To evaluate the relation between the degree of lymph node metastasis and the growth potential of tumour cells and the local immune function in gastric cancer, we analyzed data on 444 patients with advanced serosally invasive gastric cancer who underwent curative gastrectomy. Tumour growth potential was evaluated based on the value proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in the primary tumour, and dendritic cell infiltration into the tumour was determined as an indicator of local immune function. The values of PCNA labeling in the primary tumour increased and the infiltration of dendritic cells into the tumour decreased in relation to the extent of lymph node metastasis. High growth potential and low immune function were seen in cases with n3 lymph node metastasis. There was a reverse relation between the PCNA labeling index and dendritic cell infiltration. A variety of forms of recurrence was noted in patients with lymph node metastasis while the prognosis was less favorable, in relation to the degree of lymph node metastasis. Thus, the potential for nodal spread appears to be associated with the growth potential of tumour cells and with the local immune status of the tumour.