Background: Measurement of C5a in plasma is hampered by the rapid clearance of C5a as a result of cell binding. Therefore, an assessment of whether cell-bound C5a might better reflect C5a generation in vivo is essential.
Methods: We quantified plasma and leukocyte-bound C5a in samples from patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass, which is known to be associated with complement activation. C3 activation products and the terminal complement complex were measured as well.
Results: Plasma levels of C3 activation products and the terminal complement complex increased rapidly and significantly after the onset of cardiopulmonary bypass until they reached a plateau after 30 minutes. The concentration of plasma C5a increased steadily to twice baseline at the end of bypass. The concentration of leukocyte-associated C5a increased threefold after 10 minutes of cardiopulmonary bypass, when a plateau was reached. A positive correlation was found between levels of plasma C3 activation products or terminal complement complex and plasma C5a plus cell-associated C5a but not between C3 activation products or terminal complement complex and either one of the C5a variables.
Conclusions: We conclude that both plasma C5a and leukocyte-associated C5a are needed for monitoring in vivo C5a generation.