Syh-Mo-Yiin (SMY), Guizhi-Fuling-Wan (GFW), Shieh-Qing-Wan (SQW) and Syh-Nih-Sann (SNS) are four prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used in the remedy of liver trouble in various types. The hepatoprotective effects of water extracts of these four recipes against D-galactosamine (D-GalN) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced acute hepatic damage were determined in rats. The results indicated that the serum glutamate-oxalate-transaminase (sGOT) and the serum glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase (sGPT) levels provoked by D-GalN and CCl4 decreased after treatment with these prescriptions of TCM. Histological changes around portal area (D-GalN-induced hepatotoxicity) and central vein (CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity) were simultaneously improved by the treatment with TCM mentioned above.