It is well established that gonadal steroids mediate sexual differentiation of the brain via direct effects on neurons during a restricted critical period. In addition, estrogen can influence glial morphology in the adult brain, and in vitro studies suggest estrogen induces glial differentiation. However, there is a lack of in vivo evidence for steroid effects on glia during the critical period. We report here a hormone-mediated sexual differentiation of arcuate glia as early as Postnatal Day 1. Using glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity (GFAP-ir), we compared the responsiveness of astroglia in the rat arcuate nucleus among five hormonally different groups. The results indicate increased GFAP-ir cell surface area 24 hr after hormonal manipulation in castrate males compared to intact males, intact females (ANOVA; P < 0.01), and females injected with testosterone propionate (50 microg; ANOVA; P < 0.05). However, astroglia in intact males extended their processes significantly greater distances from the cell body compared to all other treatment groups (ANOVA; P < 0.01). The GFAP-ir cells were categorized into four distinct classes ranging from a simple bipolar to a fully stellate morphology. The frequency distribution of classes varied between groups with more stellate cells found in intact males. Finally, these sex differences in arcuate glia persisted into adulthood. We hypothesize that during the critical period, testosterone, or its metabolite estrogen, induce sexual differentiation of glia. We further hypothesize that in females glial cells remain partially undifferentiated and this may be important to glial plasticity seen in adult female arcuate.