We clinically compared the covered Ultraflex stent and the bare Ultraflex stent for malignant esophageal strictures. Materials were 6 cases with esophageal carcinomas. We placed the Gore-tex covered stents (A group) in 4 cases including 2 cases of esophagorespiratory fistulae, and the bare stents (B group) in 2 cases. The stents were well-expanded in all cases. After stenting, dysphagia was improved in all cases. Fistulae were obstructed by the cover in 2 cases in A group. Mean survival term was 123 days in A group and 45 days in B group. Complications were fistulation of bare portion of the covered stent in one case in A group, and tumor bleeding in one case in B group. Considering of the risk of fistula or tumor bleeding, the cover is necessary to increase the safety and efficacy of the esophageal stent.