In 1995, 463 patients were admitted in the medical service of Perugia (Sanitary District n. 6). Only 20% of them were enrolled in the TBC programme. Mantoux was: < 10 mm in 35%, 10-15 mm in 25%, > 15 mm in 40%. Chest Rx in 30 subjects demonstrated: normality in 19; old TBC in 7, active TBC in 4 (miliary, bilateral upper lobe pneumonitis, left subapical upper lobe pneumonitis and right lobitis of the upper lobe). All patients were admitted in hospital and showed positive sputum culture for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. They were treated with isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol/streptomycin for 2 months and with isoniazid, rifampin for other 4-8 months. Two patients showed Mycobacterium tuberculosis with isoniazid resistance. Seven patients were treated with isoniazid chemoprophylaxis without side effects. Migrants should receive information about health care service and be encourage to register themselves with a general practitioner. Skin test screening and chest radiographs for those with positive results should be provided at a convenient location.