A 20-year-old man underwent total cavopulmonary shunt for univentricular heart type A (A.L.L.) with hemiazygos connection six years ago. Four years later, his condition deteriorated with easy fatigue and cyanosis. Cardiac catheterization showed recanalization of ligated SVC. Chest CT showed tight adhesion between the chest wall and the ascending aorta. We approached the heart through left anterolateral thoracotomy in order to avoid injury of the aorta and the ventricle during redo median sternotomy. Total cavopulmonary connection with intraatrial conduit was performed under circulatory arrest and retrograde cardioplegia without aortic cross clamp. His postoperative course was satisfactory. Left thoracotomy was useful for total cavopulmonary connection following total cavopulmonary shunt associated with postoperative adhesion.