Two consecutive experiments were carried out to evaluate the prophylactic effect of biodegradable slow release devices (SRD), containing either isometamidium or homidium bromide. Rabbits subcutaneously implanted with SRD, were challenged with different Trypanosoma congolense stocks at regular intervals between 1 and 6.5 months after treatment. In a first experiment the efficacy of two types of isometamidium-SRD (poly(D,L-lactide) and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)) was compared with the classical intramuscular (i.m.) injection of the drug. Since the former polymer gave an average protection period, which was much longer than the other isometamidium formulation, a second experiment was carried out to evaluate the prophylactic effect of poly(D,L-lactide) SRD, containing either isometamidium or homidium bromide, with that of the i.m. injections of the same drugs at a dose of 1 mg kg-1. The average protection period of the homidium bromide SRD was significantly longer than that of the i.m. injected drug (112 vs. 49 days). No significant difference was obtained, however, when isometamidium was administered either as a SRD or as an i.m. injection. The average protection periods were, respectively, 106 +/- 37 days and 84 +/- 18 days. When breakthrough isolates derived from SRD-treated animals were compared with the original stocks of T. congolense, the former showed some loss of sensitivity to homidium bromide. No difference in sensitivity was observed, however, for isometamidium.