Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) with a high or medium molecular weight (MW) and a high degree of substitution is difficult to degrade and leads to an accumulation of large molecules. These molecules have a negative effect on hemostasiological parameters. In 10 patients with cerebrovascular diseases, a hemodilution therapy was carried out with low MW HES for 10 days. Due to the low MW of the HES used (56-61 kD), the rheological parameters erythrocyte aggregation and plasma viscosity were significantly lowered (p < 0.01). No coagulation parameters studied were affected beyond the dilution effect, which was measured using the decline in hematocrit. Low MW starch is a volume substitute that is well-suited for repeated infusion or hemodilution therapy, particularly for patients with increased hemorrhagic diathesis, because it does not affect hemostasis. The disadvantage of a relatively short volume effect can be compensated through a continuous infusion of a larger volume.