This study attempts to evaluate the use of auricular cartilage for the treatment of nasal septal defects. A defect was made in the nasal septal cartilage in five rabbits and auricular cartilage grafted into the defect. The cartilage was microscopically examined 4 weeks later. The implanted cartilage was completely covered by ciliated columnar epithelium with minimal scar formation. Proliferation of the implanted cartilage and scattered ossification were observed. Seventeen patients with a nasal septal defect were treated by auricular cartilage implantation from April 1987 to through June 1992. Fifteen patients (88%) had relief of symptoms and showed complete closure of the defect with a follow-up period of 2 years. The results of this study suggest that auricular cartilage may be of value in the repair of a nasal septal defect.