Objectives: With the increasing use of endourologic procedures to diagnose and treat urologic problems, the urologist's exposure to radiation from fluoroscopy becomes an important safety consideration. Although collimation of the x-ray beam generally prevents direct radiation exposure by the urologist, the patient absorbs radiation during the procedure and becomes a secondary source of exposure through radiation scatter.
Methods: We measured radiation exposure to the urologist during endourologic procedures using standard body shields and thyroid collars. We repeated our surveys using a newly designed urologic surgery radiation shield.
Results: We found dose rates to the urologist of up to 1100 mrem per hour of flouroscopy time. The maximum yearly whole-body exposure as recommended by the National Council on Radiation Protection is 5000 mrem, or 5 rem.
Conclusions: Urologists should be cognizant of this radiation risk, and the concepts of time, distance, and shielding are critically important to know in efforts to reduce radiation exposure. We introduce a newly designed fluoroscopic drape which reduces the radiation dosage to the urologist from scatter nearly 70-fold. We found this shield to be very practical and easy to use, and we offer it as an effective safeguard against secondary radiation exposure.