In August and September 1993, we investigated an outbreak of legionnaires' disease in Fall River, Massachusetts, that involved 11 persons; the attack rate was highest in Flint, a community of Fall River. All cases were infected with Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 (Lp-1). A case-control study revealed that cases were more likely than matched controls to have visited sites in neighborhood A of Flint. Environmental sampling in Flint found that four of nine aerosol-producing devices sampled contained legionellae; only two, conjoined cooling towers on building A, contained Lp-1. Three independent methods of subtyping--monoclonal antibody subtyping, arbitrary primer polymerase chain reaction, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis--revealed that Lp-1 isolates from three cases with culture-positive legionnaires' disease matched those from the cooling towers on building A. Water samples from the homes of cases with culture-positive legionnaires' disease contained no legionellae. The results of this epidemiologic and laboratory investigation indicate that the cooling towers on building A were the source of the outbreak of legionnaires' disease and confirm the importance of cooling towers in the transmission of legionnaires' disease.