Recently, interventional radiology (IVR) has been playing an important role as a treatment for the arterial occlusive diseases. Balloon angioplasty (PTA) is widely used for the stenotic lesions and clinical results are acceptable. However, some other procedures are frequently needed, and metallic stents (MS) are useful quite often. There are three main groups of stents: self-expanding stainless metallic stents (Z-stent, Wallstent), balloon-expandable stents (Palmaz stent, Strecker stent), and shape memory alloy stents, which are not clinically available for the iliac and femoro-popliteal arteries now in Japan except for Palmaz stent. However, it is expected that these MS will be available soon. In this paper we described the clinical utility of PTA and MS for the arterial occlusive diseases in the iliac and femoro-popliteal lesions based on our experience and past reports and also mentioned the future of IVR.