Source localizations of early somatosensory evoked potentials and electrical potentials produced by dipoles in the region of the central sulcus were computed using realistically shaped boundary-element head models (BEM) and compared to localizations obtained using 3-shell spherical models. Realistically shaped 3-shell boundary-element-models were constructed on the basis of the individual anatomy obtained from 3D-MR-tomography in 6 subjects. Spherical head models were fitted to the actual locations of the electrodes and to the surface of the heads, respectively. Source locations calculated within the spherical head models differed by an average of 4 mm (range: 2 to 7 mm) with respect to the 3-shell BEM, taking into account the limited accuracy of this model. This mislocation was most prominently due to deeper source locations predicted using a spherical head model and caused by incorrect modelling of the geometry of the heads, although sources were located in a favourable region of the heads.