Background: Although more than 50 methods of gastric replacement after total gastrectomy have been used, none of them has demonstrated a substantial nutritional advantage. The Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy is still the preferred type of reconstruction, more because of its simplicity than the lack of postprandial disturbances.
Study design: A randomized controlled trial was conducted to compare two reconstructive procedures, Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy (n = 24) and Hunt-Rodino-Lawrence pouch (HRL, n = 24), by evaluating nutritional status (body weight, arm circumference, and serum nutritional parameters), nutritional habits (number of meals, energy intake, and postprandial disturbances), and emptying time of the jejunal loop.
Results: Twenty-seven patients were studied two years after operation (12 had undergone Roux-en-Y and 15 had undergone HRL). No difference was found in either postoperative morbidity or mortality, emptying time, frequency of meals, or variation of body weight. Postprandial disturbances were more frequent in patients having Roux-en-Y. In a subset of patients, there was a correlation between nutrient intake and change of body weight, but not between nutrient intake and type of reconstruction.
Conclusions: The simple use of a reservoir such as the HRL pouch after total gastrectomy is of no benefit to the patient as compared with the Roux-en-Y reconstruction.