Analysis of three-dimensional velocity profiles and wall shear stress distribution in a segment of an artery reconstructed from in vivo imaging data are presented in this study. Cross-sectional images of a segment of the abdominal aorta in dogs were obtained using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging employing a constant pull back technique. Simultaneous measurement of pressures distal and proximal to the vessel segment along with gated pulsed Doppler velocity measurements were also obtained. The three-dimensional geometry of the vascular segment was reconstructed from the IVUS images during peak forward flow phase, and a computational mesh was constructed from the data. A quasi-steady analysis of incompressible Newtonian fluid was performed with a finite difference general purpose computational analysis program FLOW3D. The velocity at the inlet and pressure at the outlet measured at the corresponding time (time referenced to ECG) were used to specify the boundary conditions for the computational flow model. The computed results compared favorably with previously reported results. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the hemodynamics in vascular segments from morphologically realistic three-dimensional reconstructions. The method can be potentially employed in analyzing the hemodynamics in the region of atherosclerotic plaques at various stages of development and the reactivity of the vessel in response to pharmacological and mechanical interventions.