This study addresses the direct effect of fluid flow shear stress on production of the vascular mediators, PGE2 and PGI2 by vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC). Results indicate that shear stress increases PGE2 and PGI2 release in SMC. The production patterns, however, differ between PGE2 and PGI2. For PGE2, the rate of production is moderate for the first three hours after the onset of shear stress, then dramatically increases between the fourth and fifth hours, returning to basal levels in the sixth hour. On the other hand, the rate for PGI2 production is maximal right after the onset of shear and remains elevated for the first three hours. The rate then plateaus and remains at a moderate level during the next three hours. The results also indicate that SMC production of PGI2 is more sensitive to shear stress than PGE2 production since a level of 0.5 dynes/cm2 produces a maximal PGI2 release whereas 1 dyne/cm2 produces only 1/4 the response seen at 20 dynes/cm2 for PGE2. The physiological implications of fluid shear stress regulation of SMC are discussed.