In the last decades the hepatic surgery has been more and more employed thanks to improvement of the surgical technique and of the post-operative assistance which have brought the peroperative mortality of principal specialistic centres to less of 5%. The main post-operative complications which trouble the hepatic surgery, forming in same cases the cause of the death, are: hepatic insufficiency, haemorrhage, subphrenic abscess and the appearance of biliary fistulas. These complications are often connected and linked to the devitalization of a part of the residual parenchyma. We have made a retrospective study on a series of 214 hepatic resections, executed in election, to estimate the main pre and intra-operative risk factors. The operative mortality has been zero whereas the post-operative one is occurred in 4.2% of the cases with a morbidity of 27.5%. In our experience the meaning full factors to prefigure an operative risk are resulted: the associated pathologies like diabetes, cardiopathies, ipertension and bronchopathies; the length of the operation; the entity of the peroperative haematic loss and of the consequent transfusional therapy and eventually quality the residual parenchyma.