Background: The aim of this study was to study the pattern of the use of chronic domiciliary oxigenotherapy (CDO) in Catalonia, Spain.
Methods: A transversal study including 110 patients randomly selected from a list of all the subjects with CDO (n = 3,585) was made. A domiciliary survey on the characteristics of the indication for CDO and its fulfillment was carried out. Two pulsioximetries were also performed one breathing room air and another with oxigen.
Results: Of the 70 eligible patients the following factors were simultaneously observed in only 14 (20% of the total): adequate indication for CDO, use of oxigen at a flow which corrected the hypoxemia, and prescription fulfillment. The most important cause of inadequate usage of CDO was inappropriate indication since only 19 patients (27%) presented SaO2 less than or equal to 88%. Hypoxemia was not corrected in four of these 19 patients. Thirty-seven percent of the total admitted bad fulfillment, bot only one of the 15 patients with SaO2 less than or equal to 88% and in whom hypoxemia was corrected, recognized bad fulfillment. Sixty-nine percent of the patients had a document explaining the way and length of time they should receive the oxigen.
Conclusions: The inappropriate indication of CDO is the main factor influencing the low effectiveness of chronic domiciliary oxigenotherapy in Catalonia.