Purpose: We analyzed the incidence and outcome of postoperative contralateral reflux after unilateral ureteral reimplantation by the Cohen and Glenn-Anderson techniques.
Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed the records of 120 patients 3 months to 21 years old in whom unilateral vesicoureteral reflux was treated by unilateral reimplantation. The incidence of postoperative contralateral reflux was documented by followup voiding cystourethrography.
Results: Overall 19% of patients who underwent unilateral reimplantation had contralateral vesicoureteral reflux postoperatively, including 21% after the Cohen and 17% after the Glenn-Anderson procedure. Of the cases 61% spontaneously resolved, 13% were surgically corrected and 26% continue to be followed.
Conclusions: The rates of postoperative contralateral vesicoureteral reflux are not significantly different after Cohen and Glenn-Anderson repair. A majority of cases will resolve spontaneously within 2 years. The likelihood of trigonal distortion as the etiology of contralateral reflux is low given the similar incidence in cross-trigonal and ureteral advancement reimplantation.