The outcomes of treatment with intravascular embolization/chemoembolization and regional chemotherapy were analyzed in 862 patients with tumors of the kidney (n = 568), urinary bladder (n = 232) and prostate (n = 62). In renal cancer, the five-year survival rates after mechanical embolization followed by nephrectomy were 51%, those after chemoembolization and surgery, 77%. In inoperable cases, they were 3 and 25%, respectively (p < 0.05). The findings with new procedures of iron drug embolization, followed by local hyperthermia, are much more promising. In 90% after regional arterial chemotherapy, symptoms (pain, dysuria, hemorrhage) of bladder cancer ceased. With embolization, successful hemostasis was performed in 80% of massive bleedings from the bladder tumor and significant reductions of blood loss were achieved after transurethral resection of prostatic carcinoma/adenoma. X-ray endovascular surgical techniques play an important role in the treatment of oncologic urological diseases.