The present study used cocultures of rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and peritoneal macrophages to define the role of activated complement components during demyelination. The complement cascade was activated in vitro by treatment of the cultures with natural rat serum and lipopolysaccharides. Complement activation was examined by detection of the membrane attack complex of complement (MAC) with an antibody directed against rat C5-9. Detection of MAC in vitro by immunoelectron microscopy was associated with morphological changes of the myelin sheath. The sheath's regular structure was disrupted. Myelin lamellae were split and showed signs of decompaction. These changes were followed by a selective macrophage attack on myelin sheaths resulting in demyelination. Schwann cell viability was not affected by complement activation. Axons and sensory ganglion cells also survived this attack. The specificity of the complement effect was tested in experiments using treatment regimens with natural rat serum or lipopolysaccharides alone. In these experiments, no morphological changes of the myelin sheath were observed as well as no macrophage attack on myelin.