Short-term ozone exposure causes lung function decrements, increased airway reactivity, airway inflammation, increased respiratory symptoms and hospital admissions. Exposure to long-term elevated ozone levels seems to be associated with reduced lung function (aging), increase of respiratory symptoms, exacerbation of asthma, and airway cell and tissue changes. Health risk caused by exposure to ozone has been evaluated mainly in a qualitative way by comparing ozone air quality data with health-based guidelines or standards. A preliminary approach to quantifying health risk from short-term exposure to oxidant air pollution has been taken by expert judgement, describing known or expected effects at specific levels of ozone. For quantitative assessment of the health impact of distinct ozone exposure conditions (acute, repeated daily, chronic) specific exposure-dose-response models are being developed which can be linked to human exposure data. Exposure-(dose-)response models using data from epidemiological, human-clinical and animal toxicity studies are presented.