AFLP was used to characterize 24 potato cyst nematode populations. This novel DNA fingerprinting technique enabled the identification of 987 marker loci by screening only 12 primer combinations. Data on presence or absence polymorphisms and data on the intensities of corresponding DNA fragments were collected. Separate analysis of both data sets revealed similar dendrograms for the nine G. rostochiensis populations included in this study. Both dendrograms consisted of two groups containing three and five related populations, respectively. One population differed from either of these groups. Each group represented a different pathotype as defined by Kort et al. (J. Kort, H. Ross, H. J. Rumpenhorst, and A. R. Stone, Nematologica 23:333-339, 1977). Previously, a similar arrangement was found after analysis of the genetic variation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (R. T. Folkertsma, J. N. A. M. Rouppe van der Voort, M. P. E. van Gent-Pelzer, K. E. de Groot, W. J. van den Bos, A. Schots, J. Bakker, and F. J. Gommers, Phytopathology 84:807-811, 1994). For the 15 G. pallida populations analyzed, complex AFLP patterns were obtained and therefore only qualitative AFLP data were used. Incongruities were observed between clustering on the basis of AFLP data and classical pathotyping. This strongly confirms earlier findings obtained with RAPDs, because the AFLP markers used in this study outnumbered the population characteristics revealed by RAPDs by a factor of five. To arrive at a reliable pathotype designation of potato cyst nematode populations molecular data and virulence characteristics should be integrated. Possible causes for the difference in distribution of polymorphisms among g. rostochiensis and G. pallida populations are discussed.